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Our Caregiver Support Group meets every month!

Next group is Tuesday, December 17th at 1pm!

Caregiver support group flyer

Please contact Adrienne Villegas for the Teams link and for further information on the Caregiver Support Group (email) or (call).

This group is open to the public. One does not have to be a patient to attend these meetings, anyone may attend.

The Caregiver Support Group is here to help people who are the caregiver of an elderly, ill, or compromised loved one. Attendees learn from one another by sharing information, experiences, and coping techniques.
Guest speakers occasionally attend addressing specific topics, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, etc.
JCF Home Health Social Worker, Adrienne Villegas, leads the group.

To provide a safe environment for caregivers to share feelings and challenges of being a caregiver for a medically dependent person, as well as to share ideas for managing the responsibilities of caregiving.

-Coping with depression while being a caregiver
-Caring for someone with depression
-Coping with change; new to the caregiving role and changes in health
-Communication & emotional intelligence; practice effective communication for conflict resolution
-Family dynamics; caring for a family member
-Feelings that come up between caregivers and patients: resentment, jealousy, abandonment, anger, denial & guilt
-Caring for Self; making sure personal needs are met to manage stress

Meetings for Caregiver Support are held every last Tuesday of the month, 1pm at the Mariposa County Library, Community Room and will occasionally be reschedule due to a holiday. There is a Microsoft Teams Link available by request, if attending in person is not possible.

Currently the HIV/AIDS Support Group is on hold. Please contact Sean Aiken for more information (email) or (call).

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